Want To Have Her SO Obsessed With You That She Practically BEGS To Be With You (And Only You) Forever?
It's 100% Possible - And All You Need Is Her Birthday...
f you want a woman to become helplessly addicted to you no matter how you look, how much you weigh, or even if you are miles apart…
I’ll show you how to make her feel so deeply understood and WANTED as a man that YOU are all she sees when she closes her eyes.
If you want to get inside of her mind, I’ll show you how she thinks (and what she thinks about) so you can speak her language, and never stress about what he says because you’ll always know exactly what he means.
If you want her to crave you over any other man, I’ll show you her hidden desires and how to fan the flames of her passion in ways she’s never felt before.
If you want her to fall in love with you, I’ll show you exactly what she’s looking for in a man, including what to do (and what not to do) to draw her closer to you without her realizing it.
If you want her to commit to you, or even propose to you, I’ll show you what matters most to her, so you can understand her core values and make her feel respected so she never wants to leave.
I’ll show you all of this and more, when we examine the 12 Destiny Cards inside her detailed, personalized and extremely-accurate love tarot report…
It's Called The Cosmic Love Blueprint

There is nothing else like it in the world.
It’s like running a spiritual background check that tells you everything you’ve ever wanted to know about her - including insights into her true nature that other Tarot readings could never tell you.
Once you have her Cosmic Love Blueprint, you’ll unlock the secret code to her heart so you can make her want to be yours forever.
You’ll breathe a deep sigh of relief as you finally understand why you’ve had difficulties with her (reasons that have nothing to do with you)...
And how to connect with her perfectly, as if you were two pieces of the same puzzle.
You'll see the core of her personality - so intimately - you’ll understand the real reason why she acts the way she does, and how to relate to her so well that all other men in her life disappear from her mind.
You'll know why she pulls away, and what she needs to feel safe enough to let her guard down with you completely.
You’ll smile ear-to-ear as you discover her hidden dreams and desires, and find out what she really needs to see you as the wind under her sails, rather than an obstacle on her path.
And you’ll almost never feel anxious about her again because you’ve taken the guesswork out of your connection and given yourself the ultimate advantage in your situation with her.
Once You Dig Into The Cosmic Love Blueprint, and uncover Her juicy personal secrets, you’ll discover...
You’ll also discover what it means if one of her 12 Destiny Cards comes up in one of your daily Tarot readings, and what they say about YOU!
You’ll gain a higher level of karmic insights about her that you’d otherwise miss…
…and receive urgent messages, blessings and warnings from the Universe you could never see before.
Yes! This means you’ll enhance ALL of your future Tarot readings about Bootifullusciousbuttkiss - whether online or in person - giving you a deeper layer of meaning and wisdom than you ever had before.
But that’s just a tiny taste of what’s to come as I take you by the hand, and walk you through this doorway to a better future with your woman.
Your unique Cosmic Love Blueprint is easy to read on your web browser, especially from your phone…

And it’s all available to you within minutes from now.
Page by page, as you read through this inventory of their psyche…
You’ll gasp and grin from ear to ear as you realize… she's about to be putty in your hands.
Can you imagine what’s possible when you’re not struggling to figure her out anymore?
Each deeply personal secret you’ll discover about her is like unlocking the latch to her heart so you can find out who she REALLY is… what it’s like to be with the real person behind the personality.
And that’s just the beginning!
When you draw up a Cosmic Love Blueprint about her today, you’ll also receive…
UNLIMITED Cosmic Love Blueprints About Anyone You Want - Absolutely FREE!

It’s like having your own personal psychic standing by to reveal everything you want to know, about anyone!
You’ll be able to quickly compare two women to see which one is best for you, saving you endless amounts of time and stress!
You’ll find answers to questions you’ve had about any (or all) of your exes that still have you scratching your head, so you can get closure and let go.
You can even help your friends and family with THEIR romantic situations - and have their jaw dropping to the ground, in awe of how accurate you are.
Plus, you’ll read the most important Cosmic Love Blueprint of all…
Your OWN Cosmic Love Blueprint All About YOU!
Not only will you learn all of the juicy secrets about your woman (and whoever else you choose to create a blueprint for)...
You’ll also discover the hidden truth about YOU and YOUR romantic destiny!
You’ll tap into the secret romantic talents you were born with, and learn how to maximize them.
You’ll identify your own relationship wounds and discover how to heal them.
You’ll tap into your beautiful, raw, authentic power as a man and embrace it in a way that’s natural to you.
Once you awaken this power, not only will your woman grovel over you, but new women will notice you and your friends will wonder what your secret is.
That’s UNLIMITED Cosmic Love Blueprint’s for the price of one!
Now, you’re probably thinking that this must cost a small fortune… right?
For you? Not even close!
Since 2007, I’ve sat in person with hundreds of people like you for Tarot readings.
Clients from all walks of life would pay up to $200 and thank me up-and-down for such a great price for what they received.
But as time went on, I realized I could only help so many people every day… and that I could help so many MORE people online!
So I spent the last five years working with a software developer to bring this secret technique online so you can access it instantly, and from anywhere in the world.
This way, I’m able to give you the same great reading for a fraction of the cost.
So you’re not gonna pay $200 for your Cosmic Love Blueprints.
You’re not gonna pay $100…
You’re not even going to pay $50!
Thanks to my software, your low price… to reveal everything you wish to know about Bootifullusciousbuttkiss...
… is only $200 $100 $50 $37!
That’s even less expensive than fast food for two!
I don’t know about you, but if someone offered me the key to my love interest's heart - AND gave me a free license for UNLIMITED more - for less than $40, I’d feel like I hit the jackpot!
If you read just 10 Cosmic Love Blueprints, that means you’re only paying $3.70 each! Read 100? They’re 37 cents each!
Do not delay! Your free UNLIMITED license is only available for a limited time.
So go ahead:
Click The Button Below and Order The Cosmic Love Blueprint Right Now
Here's the best part:
You have nothing to lose and a much happier, healthier and more satisfying relationship to gain with...
My “Fall In Love Or It’s Free” 100% Money Back Guarantee

I’m so convinced that the Cosmic Love Blueprint will help your love interest see you as the perfect partner and fall in love with you - that if she doesn't, I’ll hand you back every penny.
Some people think I’m crazy to offer such a bold guarantee, but I don’t care what they think.
All I care about is getting you RESULTS and I’m willing to put my money where my mouth is.
So go ahead…
Get your copy of The Cosmic Love Blueprint and read through it.
Learn what makes them tick, how she thinks, how she feels inside so you can approach your situation in a whole new light...
Enjoy your deep conversations as you form an unbreakable bond...
Feel her heart open up to you and focus on YOU as the ONE person who matters most...
Even fall deeply and passionately in love.
If you’re not absolutely certain that your Cosmic Love Blueprint was the one thing that turned everything around and made your wishes come true after the next 365 days…
Then simply email our friendly support team and they’ll gladly hand you back every single penny within 24 hours, no questions asked.
Yes! That means you have ONE FULL YEAR to use your Cosmic Love Blueprint and create the relationship of your dreams with your person, no matter where you two are at today… all before you commit to buying it.
So in 365 days from now, if things didn’t work out with her then shoot us a quick email for a full 100% money back refund.
THAT’S how convinced I am that your Cosmic Love Blueprint will work for you.
And it gets even better!
To make this an even SWEETER deal for you, you’ll also receive...

Did you know that Astrology is more than just advice in your supermarket horoscope?
In you first special present, you'll get a crash course eBook in Astrology to help you seize hidden opportunities and overcome obstacles in your life.
You'll discover the secret truth of all 12 zodiac signs, how each planet influences you on specific days, and how to set your life up for success so you can have the life you want with less effort and more joy.

Want to know what each card in the Tarot really has to say?
This quick-start Tarot reading eBook guide deliver the real, practical, down to Earth messages that each Tarot card reveals in your readings.
You'll discover the meaning of each card, what it means when you draw it, and how to apply its message to your life situation.

Numbers make up the Universe, and when you tap into the power of numbers, you can discover more about yourself than you ever thought possible.
Your second present is a quick-start eBook guide to the sacred art of Numerology so you can understand the true meaning of numbers in your life.
You'll receive special messages from the Universe that most people miss, make sense of people and situations that didn't otherwise, and find peace exploring the cosmic order of your life.
That’s a whopping $87 in value, just for giving the Cosmic Love Blueprint an honest try.
But wait… there’s more!
As an exclusive super-bonus I’m also going to give you…

Have you ever felt disconnected from your body in the bedroom?
More and more women these days report being so desensitized that they can't even feel pleasure in their own body anymore.
That's why my good friend Christy want to give you the six simple steps to turn your body on, no matter how numb or "unsexy" you feel.
Christy will help you awaken your feminine energy through deeply sensual energy practices that will change the way you feel in your body forever.

How To Heal Your Heart & Find New Love
Join my good friend Jonathan Lionheart for an interactive energy work video course to help you free yourself from the chains of heart-break and manifest new love.
You'll find yourself melting away layer after layer of old pain and attachments using cutting edge techniques, helping you feel younger, lighter, happier, and more yourself than you have in years.
This breakthrough video course is worth $197, and it's yours today absolutely FREE - along with your other special presents - just for giving your Cosmic Love Blueprint a chance to transform your love life.
Here's Everything You're Getting When You Order Today:
One Cosmic Love Blueprint all about your love interest that we agreed is worth $200…
A 2nd Cosmic Love Blueprint all about YOU, also worth $200...
Plus… your $360 worth of special life changing gifts!
When you do the math, you’re getting a massive $760 in value...
ALL for the astonishingly low price of only $37!
AND it’s 100% risk free for 365 days.
So go ahead...
Do what’s best for you, your heart, and your relationship.
Click the button below and you’ll be taken to our secure shopping cart, hosted by Clickbank.com (the Amazon of digital products).
Fill out your details, and you’ll be taken to a private web page with immediate access to your Cosmic Love Blueprints and 5 special presents.
You’ll receive an email to confirm your order, and our support team is ready to answer any questions you may have.
Just remember…
Time Is Of The Essence!
Each day that goes by where you’re confused and unsure about your love interest is a day you’ll never get back.
Every moment you spend worrying about what’s happening between you and her is a precious moment wasted.
Each minute that you’re not 100% fulfilled in your love life is a minute too long.
Haven’t you felt alone and unloved long enough?
Claim your incredible discount on The Cosmic Love Blueprint now while this deal is still online, as I’m honestly not sure how long that will be.
Thank you so much for the chance to read for you today.
I can’t wait to hear about what happens next.
With love, truth and honor,

Angel Adams
P.S. Remember: This reading contains everything you need to know to make her yours forever. You’re getting two readings for the price of one, plus 5 special presents. Plus, you have 365 days to try it risk free and you keep the gifts no matter what. It’s a win/win decision that will change both your lives.